
What is Valleys in the Vinyl?

At its inception in May 2011, Valleys In The Vinyl strived to be a celebration of texture as its own art form. While providing the design community with the highest quality free textures, I wanted to introduce new sources of inspiration. Learning to mine the everyday objects and resources available in your daily lives will significantly increase the diversity of your work and expand your resource toolbox.

The site’s makeup is evolving. I am developing new techniques for creating abstract computer-generated graphic forms that can be used the same way as the traditional real-world textures. Coupling these two styles will yield a more diverse toolbox for everyone.

Who’s Behind This?

Dustin Schmieding

Creator & Editor

I am a web designer, front-end developer, & digitat artist from Massachusetts. I believe in
texture as its own art form. I love to continuously push myself and the way I work with the medium.
To learn more about me and see some of my other work, visit my personal site.

Do you have any questions, comments, concerns or just want to talk? Send me a message!